Genuine Leather Properties: 5 Ways to Recognise Genuine Leather

Hakiki Deri Özellikleri: Gerçek Deriyi Tanımanın 5 Yolu
Leather is a natural and durable material and can last for many years by being used in various products. However, it is known that many leather products offered on the market are actually made of synthetic or treated leather. To distinguish genuine leather, it is important to pay attention to certain characteristics of genuine leather. Here are 5 ways to recognise genuine leather:

1. Natural Texture Genuine leather has a naturally rough and uneven texture. Synthetic leathers usually have a smoother and artificial appearance. When you examine real leather, you will notice the presence of small wrinkles, lines and pores.

2. Elasticity Real leather has a flexible structure and has the ability to be elastic. When you press lightly with your fingers, the leather should immediately regain its shape. Synthetic leathers, on the other hand, usually have a harder and inflexible structure.

3. Odour Genuine leather has a characteristic odour. When you buy a new leather product, you should smell a faint natural leather odour. Synthetic leathers usually do not have this smell or have an unpleasant chemical odour.

4. Colour and Texture Harmony Genuine leather shows a natural variation in colour tone and texture structure. If the colour of a leather product is not homogeneous and the texture is irregular, it is most likely not genuine leather. Synthetic leathers generally have a more uniform appearance.

5. Burning Test Genuine leather emits a characteristic odour when burned and turns to ash. However, be careful before performing this test and do it in an area where your product will not be damaged. Synthetic leathers often melt or emit a chemical odour.

It is important to pay attention to these characteristics to distinguish genuine leather. You can make the right choice by using these tips to evaluate the quality and durability of the leather product you buy. Remember, genuine leather products have the durability and aesthetics to serve you for many years.

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