Counterfeit/Counterfeit Product Notification
Using the Bulderi trademark, you can report fake, imitation, phishing/phishing on websites, social media accounts on this page.
Things to Consider
Bulderi provides service only through address. Apart from that, it does not redirect to any domain name that contains characters like “bulderi” or “bul-deri” in its name, and does not collect payment. In order to prevent possible scams and phishing thefts, make sure that the address line in the address bar of your browser starts with “”.
Bulderi only accepts Wire Transfer / EFT payments to Iyzico and corporate bank account. Bulderi does not collect online payments through any payment institution other than Iyzico. In money order / EFT and Fast payments, Bulderi does not request payment to any individual account other than the corporate bank account.
Bulderi does not contact you directly except for the E-Mail and Phone Number on In addition, we do not have a social media profile / account other than our social media profiles on our website. And we do not communicate with you in any way via social media regarding situations such as payment and order.
Bulderi or its employees do not directly request critical information from you, such as your credentials, payment information and sensitive information.